Manage stress and have more energy

Published on 18 October 2023 at 06:56

Stress is a natural part of life and manifests itself when people worry, fear for safety and security, procrastinate, or try to juggle too many responsibilities. When the strain becomes too heavy or is not handled properly, it could wreak havoc on our physical and mental wellbeing.

High levels of stress drain our batteries. Our body’s natural response to stress is to mobilize resources to enable us to fight the issue and or run away. An emotions threat has the same effect as a physical threat. 

The body instantly and releases adrenalin and energy into our system. Fats and sugars are released into our blood stream and all our senses are on alert. Heart rate and blood pressure go up. Muscles prepare for movement. Without physical action, the hormones don't have an outlet for release and end up harming our cardiovascular system and possibly compromising our immune system.

  • Shift your perspective. When dealing with problems, resist the tendency to complain. Acknowledge your feelings about the situation, and then focus on finding solutions.
  • Have a discussion with colleagues and jointly see how you can all contribute to reducing stress levels
  • Sit down with the family and get everyone to evaluate how they can support you and work together to help you maintain a good work life balance.
  • Clear your desk of clutter nightly; file your papers daily.
  • Write your to do list before leaving the office to clear your mind
  • Take regular breaks, especially after intensive work or long meetings
  • Grazing every hour or so on fruit pieces, nuts and occasional sandwiches to help to keep energy levels up
  • Set an alarm to go off every hour to remind you to stand up and move around. Even if you just swing your arms or take a deep breath, you'll feel more alert.

This happens until we have dealt with the fear. So, the more stress we are under the higher we drain our mental and physical energy levels. The stress response places a huge physical toll on our system, which can contribute to severe fatigue.

To keep stress from draining your energy reserves:

  • Take action on issues that are within your control. You can reduce stress by getting to the source of it. List your sources of pressure and manage the ones you can control.
  • Look for activities that eat up your energy and deliver little value. Schedule less time for such activities, or eliminate them completely.
  • Make a conscious effort to slow down.
  • Physical activity is a natural stress buster. Move more each day and schedule time to exercise.





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