Managing Absence Series - Parkinson's Disease


Dates tbc

Session times - 2 pm and 6 pm

Duration - 90 minutes

Our programme offers a unique opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the real-life impact of major health conditions on individuals.

Through our powerful and thought-provoking sessions, you'll gain valuable insights that will broaden your perspective on these critical issues.

  • Listen to one persons journey from diagnosis to present day battles with the disease.
  • Learn about the disease, it’s symptoms, and how it may affect an individual's work performance.
  • Understand any accommodations or adjustments that may be required.
  • Consider ways to encourage open dialogue, maintain confidentiality and create a safe space for them to share their concerns.
  • Understand flexible working options/ arrangements that may be applicable
  • Consider options to support you and the staff member

Why Managers Should Attend

1.Understanding Employee Needs - Attending our coaching program equips managers with a deeper understanding of the needs and challenges faced by employees living with health conditions. This understanding enables managers to provide better support and accommodations, fostering a more inclusive workplace environment.

2. Legal Compliance: By learning about health and safety laws, discrimination laws, and workplace policies related to accommodations, managers can ensure legal compliance and avoid potential legal issues. Understanding the legal framework empowers managers to make informed decisions and create fair and equitable workplaces.

3. Improving Communication: Our programme emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and communication in supporting employees with health conditions. Managers will learn effective communication strategies for discussing accommodations, addressing concerns, and creating a safe space for employees to share their experiences.

4. Enhancing Leadership Skills: Supporting employees with health conditions requires strong leadership skills. Our programme provides managers with the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, including empathy, flexibility, and problem-solving, which are essential for creating an inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

5. Building a Diverse and Inclusive Culture: Inclusive workplaces are more diverse, innovative, and successful. By attending our coaching program, managers contribute to building a culture of diversity and inclusion where all employees, regardless of health condition, feel valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

6. Making a Positive Impact: Managers play a crucial role in shaping workplace culture and supporting employee well-being. By attending our coaching program, managers have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of employees living with health conditions, creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace for all.

In conclusion, managers should attend our coaching program to gain a deeper understanding of employee needs, ensure legal compliance, improve communication, enhance leadership skills, boost team morale and productivity, build a diverse and inclusive culture, prepare for the future of work, and make a positive impact on the lives of employees.

The programme


Our coaching programme offers a unique opportunity to gain profound insights into the real-life impact of major health conditions on individuals. Through powerful and thought-provoking sessions, participants will broaden their perspective on critical health issues and learn practical strategies for support and accommodation.


Session 1: Post-Diagnosis Journey


  • Sharing one person's journey from diagnosis to present-day battles with the disease
  • Exploring the emotional rollercoaster post-diagnosis
  • Discussing the impact on various aspects of life including home, work, finances, and relationships
  • Opening the floor for questions and discussion


Session 2: Understanding the Disease


  • Learning about the symptoms and progression of the disease
  • Understanding the daily challenges faced by individuals living with the condition
  • Exploring the impact on various aspects of daily living including morning routines, nutrition, transportation, communication, social interactions, and tasks
  • Discussing the specific impact on work performance and adaptations that may be necessary


Session 3: Work Impact and Accommodation


  • Exploring health and safety laws related to accommodating employees with health conditions
  • Understanding discrimination laws and policies related to workplace accommodations
  • Discussing the process for requesting accommodations and who to approach
  • Identifying long-term considerations and strategies for successful return-to-work plans



Our coaching programme provides invaluable insights and practical knowledge for supporting individuals living with health conditions in the workplace. By understanding their journey, symptoms, and work impact, participants will be better equipped to create inclusive and supportive environments for all employees.